Full Stack Spikes

Debugging JavaScript

How would you effectively find out where (and why) an error is occurring in your JavaScript code?

Questions to consider

  1. What console methods are there other than console.log? Can these help us debug?
  2. What does the debugger; statement do?
  3. How do we use the debugger in our browser?

Useful resources

Debugging network requests

How can we send and receive test network requests while working on an application?

Questions to consider

  1. How can we inspect any requests the browser is making on an HTML page?
  2. How can we manually send test requests outside of our browser?

Useful resources

Debugging HTML & CSS

How can we find out why our page doesn’t look right?

Questions to consider

  1. How can we see and edit what elements and styles are rendered to the page?
  2. How can we easily test how responsive our page is?
  3. How can we debug CSS grid and flexbox layouts?

Useful resources