Remote database challenge

Practice deploying a PostgreSQL database to Heroku, plus some advanced SQL commands.

  • sql
  • heroku
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You don’t want your deployed production app talking to a database running on your laptop. This would be slow, insecure and require you to leave it turned on all the time.

Instead we can host our production database on a 3rd party service like Heroku. This is especially convenient if we’re already hosting our production server on Heroku.

Follow these instructions for setting up a free Heroku database.

Once you’re done you should have a connection string that looks something like this:


You can connect to the remote database from your terminal by running:

psql your_url_goes_here

Advanced SQL

Let’s practice some more advanced SQL commands. There’s a bunch of data about various FAC cohorts in init.sql. You’ll need to read this to figure out exactly what tables you’re working with.

You may have to search the internet for SQL you haven’t seen before. W3 Schools is a good resource.

There’s usually more than one way to get the right answer. If your solution is different that’s fine!


  1. Download the starter files
  2. Connect to your Heroku database with psql your_database_url
  3. Insert the data into your DB with \i init.sql

You can check everything is set up by listing the database tables with \dt. You should see four FAC-related tables: cohorts, students, projects and students_projects.

  1. Cohort locations

    List the names of all cohorts that took place in Finsbury Park.

    Expected result

    Toggle answer
    SELECT name FROM cohorts WHERE location = 'Finsbury Park';
  2. Student locations

    List the usernames of all students who attended FAC in Finsbury Park.

    Reveal hint

    You need to use the query from the previous question.

    Expected result

    Toggle answer
    SELECT username FROM students WHERE cohort_name IN (
    SELECT name FROM cohorts WHERE location = 'Finsbury Park'
  3. Student locations

    List the username of each student along with the location of their cohort.

    Reveal hint

    Remember you can use joins to connect two tables together and access information from both.

    Expected result

    username location
    eliascodes Bethnal Green
    oliverjam Bethnal Green
    yvonne-liu Bethnal Green
    matthewdking Nazareth
    helenzhou6 Bethnal Green
    virtualdominic Finsbury Park
    charlielafosse Finsbury Park
    starsuit Finsbury Park
    bobbysebolao Finsbury Park
    albadylic Finsbury Park
    reubengt Finsbury Park
    Toggle answer
    SELECT students.username, cohorts.location FROM students
    INNER JOIN cohorts ON students.cohort_name =;
  4. Students with projects

    List all project names with the usernames of the students who worked on them.

    Reveal hint

    Since projects-to-students is a many-to-many relationship (each project can have multiple authors, each student can have multiple projects) we can’t link them with just IDs. We need to use a separate table to keep track of which students worked on which projects.

    This is often called a join table, or junction table. You’ll need to join to this as an intermediary step to link projects to students. You don’t need to create it—it is already created in init.sql

    Expected result

    name username
    FACX Machine oliverjam
    FACX Machine yvonne-liu
    Hamster Hotel oliverjam
    Hamster Hotel starsuit
    Agony Yaunt starsuit
    Agony Yaunt bobbysebolao
    Toggle answer
    SELECT, students.username FROM projects
    INNER JOIN students_projects ON = students_projects.project_id
    INNER JOIN students ON students.username = students_projects.student_username;
  5. Bonus: Students with projects by location

    List all project names with the usernames of the students who worked on them, only for students who attended FAC in Finsbury Park.

    Reveal hint

    You’ve written all the queries you need in previous steps.

    Expected result

    name username
    Hamster Hotel starsuit
    Agony Yaunt starsuit
    Agony Yaunt bobbysebolao
    Toggle answer
    SELECT, students.username FROM projects
    INNER JOIN students_projects ON = students_projects.project_id
    INNER JOIN students ON students.username = students_projects.student_username
    WHERE students.username IN (
    SELECT username FROM students
    WHERE cohort_name IN (
    SELECT name FROM cohorts WHERE location = 'Finsbury Park'