Introduction to Git

This workshop is an introduction to using Git for version control; GitHub for hosting a codebase and deploying a website; and VS Code for writing and editing code, as well as version control.

  • git
  • introduction


Git is a a program for controlling versions of a project. It allows you to track changes you make to files over time.

To make an analogy, it’s like having a save button on your project. At any time, you can save what you’ve written and mark that point in time. This means you can review versions of the code or go back to a previous version.


GitHub, although similar in name, is not directly related to Git. GitHub is a platform for storing code online.

Each project is stored in a repository - this is a folder where all the files are contained on GitHub.

GitHub also allows you to host a live version of your website via GitHub Pages. You can share the link with anyone and they can visit websites that you’ve created!

Local vs. Remote

We’ll describe repositories in terms of local and remote versions.

A local repository is a folder on your computer which you save files to. A remote repository is a folder online which your files can be duplicated to.


When working with Git, you’ll need to establish a workflow for synchronising code between a local and remote repository.

For example, if I change files on my computer, I’d like to then update the live version of a website by pushing my files to the remote repository. Or, if I’d like to download a project and create my own version, I might clone a remote repository to my local machine.

Once you’ve established a connection between your local repository and a remote one, you’ll usually make changes on your local machine.

You can then stage the changed files - in other words, tell Git that you’d like these to be tracked in your version history. Staging is used to specify which changes to track, and which not to. For example, you might be ready to add your HTML and CSS files, but have unresolved errors in JavaScript. You can choose to stage some or all of your files.

Then next step is to commit your staged files - marking a save point in your project of the progress so far. Commits should contain a commit message which describes the changes made.

Finally, you’ll push your local changes to the remote repository.

VS Code

A program you can download which lets you write and edit code on your computer. VS Code is one of the most popular text editors and offers a number of extensions which can be helpful to you as a developer.

VS Code’s source control tab

The source control tab in VS Code allows you to use Git within your text editor. It’s offers the ability to stage, commit and push changes between your local machine and a remote repository.

  1. Make a new folder on your computer A new folder on my computer

  2. Open this in VS Code VS Code menu showing file selector

  3. Navigate to the source control tab and click ‘Initialise repository’ VS Code open on the source control tab

  4. Make your changes - here we’ve created files for HTML, CSS and JavaScript and linked them all together. Back on the source control tab, you can view which files have unstaged changes. VS code open showing the source control tab

  5. Click the add button to stage your files, this will move them to ‘Staged Changes’ VS Code shows the files changed under 'staged changes'

  6. Write a meaningful commit message, which summarises the work you’ve completed. Then, click the commit button (represented with a tick) to commit those files to your Git history. Writing a commit message

    You may run into a GPG Error when using Git for the first time. If you do, have a look at the following documentation:

  7. VS Code will prompt you to publish the branch once you’ve staged all changes. The first time you click this, you’ll need to connect to your GitHub account. The side panel on VS code now shows a button with the text 'publish branch'

  8. Finally, publish to a new public repository VS Code offers the user to publish to a private or public repository on GitHub

And that’s all! You’ll now have published the files to GitHub. If you visit your profile on GitHub you should now see your repository. You’ll need to make your repositories public so that we can view them when you make your application. This does mean they’ll be available to anyone who uses the web - so be careful what personal information you share.

A repository on GitHub

From here, you can continue to stage, commit and push your changes.

You should commit once you have completed a change or feature, not after writing certain amount of code, and don’t wait until a project is complete. Getting into the habit of making small commits often will give you a good level of practice with Git. Regularly pushing your changes will ensure your codebase is backed up and version-controlled. Additonally, you’ll have GitHub activity on your profile (green squares).

Deploying your website

Each of your projects should be live on the web. GitHub offers a free, and easy way to get your site deployed online. Have a read through their documentation on getting started. Please note, GitHub mention using Jekyll to create default themes for projects, we ask that you do not use any custom themes, and configure all your styling using CSS.