Week07 Project04 Authentication Project


Your project this week is continue work on the e-commerce shop you started last week and to add authentication and user specific interactions.


Before you start writing features you need to create a security plan. There should be a section in your README.md that describes how you will secure your app and mitigate different potential attacks.

Questions to consider

  • Will you store session info in a token (stateless) or in your database (stateful)?
  • How will you check a user’s identity (authentication)?
  • How will you control what actions a user can take (authorization)?
  • How will you mitigate Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks?

Useful resources

User stories

As a shopper, I want to:

  • Log into my account using my email and password
  • Have my user session persist, so I don’t have to log in every time
  • Log out of my session

These User Stories from last week should be updated to be linked to a shoppers account

  • Add products to a shopping cart
  • View and edit items in my shopping cart
  • Complete the checkout process to “purchase” products in my cart
  • See confirmation when an order is placed successfully
  • View previous orders and order history
  • Complete checkout and payments to simulate purchasing products

Stretch user stories

As an admin, I want to:

  • Log into an admin section of the site
  • Add, edit and delete products
  • View and export reports on site analytics
  • Manage user accounts

Acceptance Criteria
